Dealing With The Toughest Cleaning Problems


We all know that there are certain chores that are harder to do than others. If you have to deal with greasy surfaces or with spills on your stove, but your attempts to clean them are rather unsuccessful, then this article might what you need. Here I will show you how to clean even the toughest messes in your kitchen with few simple tricks. If you want to get more tips and tricks about home cleaning, visit this dedicated website for useful information.

Problem #1 – The Pot Has Boiled Over

Obviously you can’t stay in the kitchen all the time, but in most cases when you put water or something else to boil in the pot, Murphy’s law strikes the moment you turn away. The result is a nasty spill on the stove which is usually hard to clean. So, what can you do? Well, the first thing is to let the spill cool down. Then, remove the drip pans and leave them in the sink (you will clean them afterwards). After that, apply small amount of dishwasher detergent gel directly to the spilled area and let it sit for about 15 minutes and wipe it off with a damp sponge. End of lease cleaning experts within Melbourne suggest to avoid using regular dishwashing soap, because it won’t cut through the stain properly. Are you interested to learn more about cleaning tips for your home? Visit this dedicated website for useful information.

Problem #2 – Dried Food Particles

If you don’t clean your stove right away, overtime the drip pans or grates could become really dirty. To clean the mixtures of various drips and crumbs, simply wash them in the dishwasher (separately). Additionally, fill your sink with enough water to cover the drip pans or grates, add 1/4 cup of powder of gel dishwater detergent and soak them in the mixture for about 30 minutes. Then, rinse with water and let them dry completely.

Problem #3 – Greasy Surfaces

If you love cooking them most probably you end up with very greasy surfaces in the kitchen. Not to worry! Once a week use spray bottle filled with white vinegar and spray some on a soft cloth. Then, simply wipe down the greasy area. However, avoid doing this on porous surfaces such as granite, because the vinegar could damage them.As you can see, cleaning your kitchen is not as hard as it seems. Make sure you read my next article, where I will show you how to deal with the mess in your bathroom. If you are worried about cleaning your home, then take a look at this website to get more tips.